Dec 19, 2011

Moving Up The Charts

For 2 weeks in a row we have managed to win our matches, albeit against the same team two weeks in a row. We started off the season with a couple wins before a big downward spiral that didn't end until we fell into last place. We are still in 8th place, but after a nice 5-1 we are inching our way back to 0.500 which would be a nice realistic goal to reach.

I rattled the 8 ball in the 4th round, then broke and ran for a 47. My 10 was actually erased as it was already penciled in for me since it was a pretty straightforward shot. (Can you say jinx?). Ryan has been in the anchor spot the past couple weeks, with the last game of the night needing a win for the round. He came through both times, and is probably 75% when we have needed him to win. Lets keep in rolling this week...

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Whattya think hustler?